
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

On Routines and Habits

It occurred to me, after the third day of this "routine," that I rather
liked beginning the day with my children this way. I'm three months into my
personal morning habits. The rhythm is well-established: exercise, prayer,
shower, dress, tea, Bible. All before 7:30. Even if the day unravels from there,
I can still take comfort in the fact that I got to those things. When I
considered my personal routine in light of the new habit that was unfolding, it
dawned on me that the acquisition of habits could be a layering. Habit upon
habit, I could build into each segment of the day the rhythm I desired.

Quote taken from this post written by a woman I have greatly admired for years, Elizabeth Foss.

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1 comment:

mariel said...

I can see why you admire Elizabeth...what a great way to start the day! She inspires ME!! It was a pure out blessing to meet you and be in your eval group, Marybeth!! Your sweet heart for Jesus is inspiring!!