
Thursday, February 14, 2008


It's what we are all thinking about today, right? Love is in the air... everywhere I look around. Love is in the air... every sight and every sound.

But I digress.

As I drove to Bible study today, I heard this song. And though I have heard it a hundred times before (and I do not think that is an exaggeration), I listened to it today with fresh ears. Ears that were not predisposed to dismiss the song as "overplayed" and "old." Instead I really took in each word. And as I listened I felt God whisper, "This is the love you seek."

And I realized that all over the world today, as people celebrate love, they are, to quote the old song, "Looking for love in all the wrong places." Everywhere there are broken hearts as people grieve a love they can't have, a love that they tried to hold onto and lost, a love that remains just beyond their grasp. A love that is never quite what they desire it to be.

Because it was never designed to. Human love has always and will always disappoint us. While the love of another human is a great bonus, it can't be our all in all. The love we long for, the love people seek on this and many other days is described in that song. A love that offers forgiveness and acceptance. A love that remains. A love that reaches through time and space, past hurt and rejection, to the very heart of us. A love that is held in those scarred hands.

And so today, instead of seeking human love, I celebrated God's love. In the faces of my children, in the new daffodils just beginning to make their appearance, the promise of spring so near. In the sounds of a group of women singing Jesus, Lover Of My Soul and sounding like angels more than I have ever heard them sound before. And as I sang with these ladies, I celebrated the only love that really matters for now and all eternity.

Jesus, Lover of my soul,
Jesus, I will never let you go
You’ve taken me from the miry clay
You've set my feet upon the Rock, and now I know
I love you, I need you,
Though my world may fall, I’ll never let you go
My Saviour, my closest friend,I will worship you until the very end

As you celebrate love today, don't forget the most important love of all.
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mamatwoboys said...

Congratulations on finding your way home even if you had to take the long way around. Good luck with your transition back to homeschooling.

Carol said...

Oh, girl. That is one of my favorite songs!! Good stuff!