With all the cold weather recently, we have been spending lots of time inside. Here's a sample of what life is like at our house when cabin fever gets involved!

Tell your mom you want to paint. Be extra cute about it.

Get bored with painting on paper and paint yourself and the chair instead.

Make your big brother clean it all up because you are simply too little and cute to be expected to do such things.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll!!
Mary, mom to many
Oh, this reminds me of my 3 year old son last week. He sweetly asked to paint with the watercolors and instead painted himself and the table (all the while dripping colored paintbrush water on the carpet). I guess that's what I get for checking email during this time!
BTW, I love your bathroom remodel! So nice and fresh and neutral... we have 1970's peach and brown tile, yuck!
She is a doll.
I used to have those same white chairs. But I finally got black chairs so all the years of paint and glue and maple syrup stains won't be so obvious.
Nice to know I'm not the only one with messy little cherubs.
Cold weather? Try coming up here to Michigan, honey, where the wind chill this weekend is almost 20 below zero!!!! :-)
Oh MaryBeth, I loved both this project and the science one below. Too much fun!
Anybody that cute deserves to get away with making messes! LOL I think your kids have been taking lessons from my kids! LOL
Precious post!
Oops! I didn't mean to sign in with Erin's account! Sorry...that comment was from me..Amy!
Too cute! You tell that sweet thang her candy dish has been filled back up and she needs to come back to the office! I bet she would love Shiba!
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