Words he wrote and set to music are now being sung back to him by people he could not have imagined. That song-- something that came to him in I am sure a very personal manner-- has now gone out into the world, been taken in by strangers and made meaningful in very unique ways. His song has become their song. And for some reason I can hear that exchange happening in that recording-- what was once his has now become something else entirely.
In a few months my third novel will be releasing. I am gearing up for it here with talk of marketing and promotion, working hard to get my work into as many hands as possible. And sometimes as I think of why I do that, I think of that moment on that recording when they all sing along. And how it's clear that the people David is singing to have embraced what he labored over and had a vision for. It has become theirs. For anyone who endeavors to create something-- be it music or poetry or prose or art-- I think that's the moment of ultimate fulfillment: when what you did leaves you and goes out into the world, settling in the hearts and minds of those who have received it and becoming something totally other than you. It becomes theirs and not just yours.
And if you're lucky, you'll get to hear them sing along.
I'm looking forward to reading your words soon!
This was such a lovely and inspirational post, and I can imagine that having your work read (or sung) by others has got to be one of the most exhilarating feelings. I can't wait to read the book, and be one of your many cheerleaders, popping it into the hands of many readers who will hungrily gobble it up!
Can't wait for your new book! I loved the other two!
What fun! First of all, congratulations on the release of your 3rd book! I'm emailing my fiction editor at The Christian Manifesto right after I post this comment to request my review copy. Second, I love David Gray's music too. Got stuck in traffic on I40 the other day and the only positive was I got to listen to many of his songs on my iPod. Have a good day.
Can't wait to read it!
Every time I hit the 'publish' button on my blog...I get all antsy and ridiculous feeing. And it's because of this 'going out into the world' thing. Makes me feel vulnerable...excited, yes...but totally vulnerable. (And I don't have an arena full of readers, either. I have about 5.)
Blessings to you as the words of your heart fly out - right into the hearts of others!
- Kate :)
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