Today is the first day since the surgery that I've felt like myself. I woke up with more energy and actually can think of eating a food that's not white (I've lived off chicken noodle soup, french bread, grits, cereal, etc. since Thursday.) I even felt like writing this post, which is saying something. Yesterday I thought of trying to get some writing done and the mere thought made me feel like hiding under the covers. What a difference a day makes.
While I do feel better I'm determined not to push it. So today as it rains outside I've decided to finish the book I've been reading, watch a movie Curt rented for me from Redbox, and glean some more wisdom from the copy of On Writing I fished off the bookshelf the other day. Stephen King knows his stuff. (Duh!) I could do nothing but post quotes from that book on here and take up a week's worth of posts. And I just might do that.
I also spent some wonderful time in Isaiah this morning and journaled for the first time since February 13th. I love journaling but sometimes I take unexpected and unplanned breaks from it. Tomorrow I'm writing about journaling though, about the magic of it. Because I do believe in it-- and I miss it when I don't do it. Journaling makes me feel closer to God, connected and invested. My spiritual life suffers when I don't include it in my morning quiet times.
I also plan to shower today. This is also an improvement, trust me.
Tomorrow and Tuesday the kids are out of school. I expect by Wednesday we'll all be bucking for some normalcy. I'm hoping to have written 10,000 words of my new novel by this time next week. I know that sounds like a lofty goal but my deadline got moved up and knowing I've written NOT ONE WORD is weighing on me. If I was 10,000 words in I'd be 1/8th of the way done-- and that would at least feel like something. That's 1500 words per day, every day, starting tomorrow. Hoping I can tell this story well. I see so much potential, if I can only sort out how to get to the heart of it... and discover what the true heart of it is. I think I know-- but I don't want what I think I know inhibit what could be.
Finally, the photo at the top is not one I took. It's one that came up when I googled "winter scene." I wish that was the scene outside my window. I'm in the mood for one good snow. We haven't even come close here in the midst of one of the warmest winters I can remember in quite some time. For now I will content myself with a photo, and while I'm at it I can pretend that I feel good enough to go for a long walk down that snow-covered road. Happy Sunday, wherever you are, whatever you're doing. And by all means, take a long walk down a snow covered road if you can!
So glad you are feeling better! Loved your winter picture...it has been very warm here as well.
Sounds like you need some time just to relax and plot your next move for the upcoming week. Because of your surgery, realize that healing takes time (which is obvious)and pace yourself. I know the Lord will give you direction for your priorities. May you be "strengthened with power through His Spirit into your inner being..." Ephesian 3:16
This is beautiful!! So peaceful. I love your blog. Thanks for being real, relevant and honest. Totally understand the shutdown mode post.
Hey, we would love some snow here in South Carolina.
From a fellow Whalen,
So glad you are feeling better! Take care of yourself and get enough rest. No snow in GA yet either!!
I'm glad you are going to talk about journaling again...loved the posts you did last year on journaling.
Glad that you are feeling better...i missed you. Praying that each day will find you feeling more like yourself, and that your goal does not tax you too much. Love and prayers
Very happy to hear you are feeling better-don't rush yourself though. As someone who is also on the mend from some surgery, I can speak from experience! I have really enjoyed your new approach to blogging-it is so real and honest-LOVE IT. I love the winter pic! I'm in PA, and we would typically have way more snow than some of you folks but this year-nada. Our biggest snowfall came in October-how weird is that?
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