
Friday, January 14, 2011

Fiction Friday: Many Or Few

Today I have a devotion running at Proverbs 31 Ministries. Thanks to all of you who stop by after reading. On Fridays I talk about fiction since I write fiction and Fiction Fridays has a nice ring to it. :)

Today I thought I would attempt to tie the subject matter of my devotion to the craft of writing fiction. We'll see if I can pull it off.

The devotion talks about nothing hindering God from saving us, whether by many or by few. I gave some real-life examples of the lack (the few) and the abundance (the many) we all face that might make us feel hindered at times.

I know as a writer, I've felt both the many and the few in my career. I have had times of many ideas. I have had times of few contracts. I have had times of many opportunities and times of few moments to write. I've had times of many deadlines and times of few inspiration. I know what it means to swing back and forth on the writing pendulum, living in the place of never enough.

In my devotion today, I talked about how God can save us whether by many or by few. He has met me in my times of many and my times of few. He has saved me when I lacked inspiration or time, provided connections when I had none, helped me meet impossible deadlines and keep track of the inspirations that strike me.

God will save us, whether by many or by few. He does it in life, and in writing-- providing resources where we have none and stacking the odds so He can show Himself strong.
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Unknown said...

Thanks Marybeth. Your thoughts in the devotion opened up a new thought, which i need. sometimes i feel overwhelmed with nothing and everything. God Bless.

Claire Vorster said...

When the times comes. I was thinking about this today - what do we do when the time comes?

Marybeth, thank you for the way you let us know that, whatever the time, He can make us ready.

'Give us this day our daily bread', only what we need for the moment, because then we will go back to You for the next, then we will stay by Your side.

Thank you for your encouragement and your beautiful thoughts.
