
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A Great Post To Check Out

This post really inspired me today. This is exactly where I am in my motherhood journey right now. I love it when I read something that so eloquently describes something I am personally dealing with. I hope it inspires someone else-- and maybe even challenges some of you to see "me" time in a different light. I have always said I am a better mom when I am simply immersed in my children. This author echoes my own observations.
Pin It!


Lori said...

Thanks so much for sharing that blog - perfect timing. I am right there with you!


Unknown said...

Whoa...that's a great post. Thanks for sharing!

Laura said...

Love the post. Thanks for sharing. Praying for wisdom concerning your house decisions!

Messy and Wonderful said...

I am also right there with you. four boys under age seven and a husband who travels for work and in graduate school... it all wears me down and I buy into the myth often. Thanks for the reminder because just lastnight I was playing the martyr card when my husband walked in the door. I'll go and cherish them today.