
Friday, February 08, 2008

A Weekend Off (From Cooking, Not Life)

This weekend, I am taking the weekend off from cooking. I will make a nice, nutritious dinner tonight (a whole chicken cooked in the crockpot with carrots, potatoes and onions, with lima beans on the side) but then I am done until Monday night. Ahhhhhh.

I have had quite a week nursing a plethora of sick people. And I need the break. I have cooked like crazy this week too. I made a decent dent in my baking list (see my post from Monday), plus made meals every night. So, I figure I have a break coming.

So what will my family eat during this time? Chili dogs and chips one night. Frozen pizzas the next. Don't judge me. You know you want to do it too.

And so, I give you permission. Take the weekend off, or at least a night. Tell your family there's cold cereal in the pantry, or pb&j's. Or really go the extra mile as I did and go buy some frozen convenience foods. Then put your feet up and read a magazine. Taking a break is not a bad thing. I am certainly savoring mine! On Monday we can all get back to the business of joyfully serving our families-- rested from the break and ready to tackle another week.

PS. I planned these easy meals because I was supposed to go to my cousin Nancy's for a girls' weekend this weekend, but I had to cancel when everyone in my family (just about) got sick. She and I are going to plan another weekend, which, as we decided, gives us even longer to anxiously anticipate our time together! And in the meantime, I thought, why not just serve the easy food I had purchased for them in my absence? Why not, indeed!
Pin It!


Carol said...

I'm rolling on the floor laughing at your comment. I love you even though your blog roll is missing!! LOL! And by the way, you ARE somebody special! Make your whole family read it. Print it out for your Christmas letter this year. ;)

Laura said...

I am all about convenience food over a busy weekend! It saves us from eating out! And it helps keep my kitchen a little cleaner. And who doesn't want that.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! You deserve a break and a metal for nursing all those people back to health:) Glad everyone is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

I think we're going to have a weekend that is very similar at our house! Stouffer's Lasagna is calling my name!

Kelli said...

That is how it is at our house most every weekend... easy convienent foods... pizzas, BLTs, hamburgers.. it's all good :)

We tend to eat more healthy during the week with salads and meat, but then on the weekends we are a bit more relaxed about it.


MaryLu said...

Oh what would that be like? Well, maybe in 5 years I'll get to take a weekend off. Never seem to get one here, sigh, I can dream huh? said...


If my family read this, they would say to your family, "Our mom takes a break from cooking 4 nights a week!" No kidding! Frozen pizzas and chili dogs...those are luxury items at the Taylor household! Now for me, taking a night off would mean everyone fixed their own supper (which they can do now that they know how to use the microwave) and let someone else do fold laundry (not gonna happen!).

Seriously girl, have a great weekend. Rest. I hope your family is doing better.

Love you,