The other day my two year old daughter was tickling my face with a feather after her sister had done it to her. Her sister observed this going on as the two year old intently repeated the feather rubbing on my face. I wasn't really even paying attention, to be honest. It just felt annoying if you want the real truth. Finally my seven year old daughter leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Mom. Laugh."
I hadn't realized that my sweet toddler was intently trying to get me to laugh-- even though I was not responding the way she had hoped, she kept trying. I am embarrassed to admit that someone had to remind me to laugh. Sometimes I get so tunnel-visioned, I forget to see the joy in the little moments, to savor a moment of laughter with my children. I turn their childish behavior into mere annoyances instead of focusing on what could be a connecting point for both of us.
And so, the next time she tickled me with that feather, I laughed. Hard. Granted, it was fake laughter as it didn't tickle at all. But the best part is, she laughed with me. I got to hear her little baby belly laugh that will all too soon be gone. I should know better than to miss these moments. I am glad the seven year old was there to remind me that day.
That is so true. Lately our 6 year old Alivia has been reading out of joke book. I had to que my hubby many times the other day to say "who's there" as he had other things on his mind. Soon the 3 of us were cracking up because of how she would start laughing at the silly punchlines. Something sweet & innocent at how just by laughing children can lighten up the pressures the world tries to throw on us. Thanks for the reminder Mary Beth.
Many blessings~
your blog friend/sister in Christ...
Lelia Chealey
from Lincoln, Nebraska! :)
You are so right that the baby belly laughs will be gone all too soon! I have a two and a seven year old. It is so easy to get busy and not enjoy them. Thanks so much for the reminder. Just bought your e-book. Looking forward to some Christmas ideas!
Beth Bishop
Alton, Virginia
You are so right. I have a two year old son and a six year old daughter and most of the time, I find myself getting annoyed at their attempts to play and make me laugh. The pressures of life mounts so high that I tend to forget how completely oblivious the kids are to the craziness going on.At such times when I get aggravated, the expression on my daughter's face seems to say "don't be upset, it's only play" like she would say to her little brother. That look!, what a reminder to laugh, even when I do not feel like it.
You made me smile! Thanks marybeth!
Fake laughter is a good place to start.
My mom had a friend who always used to lovingly admonish us,
"It is never hypocritical to act the way God would want you to feel."
Thank you, I, too,go through my days and forget to enjoy the small gifts that are wrapped up in them.
That is so true! I am new to your blog, but I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading it!
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