
Sunday, November 04, 2007

Just Some Stuff

Ok, true confessions time here. I have not run in like, over a week. I feel like a big, fat lazy oaf. But I have a good excuse. Several of them actually. Basically, we have been busy. And it is cold outside. I have been telling my husband that we are gonna have trouble with the running thing once it gets cold. I can run in 100+ temps-- but drop below sixty-five and my lungs can't take it. Go figure. Am trying not to think of how fat and out of shape I am getting day by day.

Also, you think we would learn. It is not wise to go to an open house for a house that looks promising if you have not yet sold your own home. Because even if it looks like a great, perfect house that you would so totally make an offer on, you are not going to be able to do anything about it and it will send you into a fit of depression which will cause you to come home and act grumpy to your kids. One added benefit is that it will inspire you to clean up your house and finally cart that old bookshelf out to the trashcan because you are trying to make sure your house will be show ready, just in case.

And so, you just got a taste of my Sunday afternoon, in a nutshell.
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Bonita said...

Let's just say I can sooo relate to everything you blogged about today.

LAUREN at Faith Fuel said...

"It is not wise to go to an open house for a house that looks promising if you have not yet sold your own home."

Au contraire!
It is a faith filled act- you were "looking" at that home with eyes of faith. It's a possibility- because He still moves mountains!
(And houses that will not sell!)