
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Writing Update

I haven't written much about my writing lately, so I thought it was time for me to do so. I know I have some fellow writer mamas who read this blog, and actually like to hear about this type of thing. If you don't get into that, feel free to skip this post.

This week I have spent time writing some articles that were due. I wrote one for Money Matters, one for a women's newsletter on blogging, and one for The Old Schoolhouse. I also have written one of the two devotions for P31 I was supposed to turn in. I still have one more to go. This is what happens when you procrastinate-- you end up squeezing a whole lot of projects into a little bit of time!

I finally wrote a purpose statement for the proposal I presented at She Speaks, as one of the publishers requested I do, and sent it to her. I also worked on one of the Bible studies in that proposal. Interestingly enough, I also got two rejection letters for that proposal this week! Am focusing on not being discouraged about that, though. Rejection is part of the process, right?

I am also working with a sound guy to get a cd produced to be able to send out to people who are interested in bringing me to speak. Because of some technical problems, this has been more complicated than I expected! But I think we have it worked out. The sound guy (he has a name, actually-- Ben) Ben sent me the audio file to listen to, and it sounded pretty good to me. It will be such a relief to have a cd I feel good about to send out-- I have never really had that, so it's a wonder I have ever gotten booked when you think about it!

And so, that is what I have been up to lately on the writing front. I do love to write, and am still learning to balance the writing life with the call of motherhood day by day.
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