
Monday, June 03, 2013

Time Saver Tip For A Monday

After an unexpectedly long absence from blogging, I'm aiming to post something every day this week. I am going to overwhelm you with info.
This is Monday's installment:
Lately I've been taking a few extra seconds when I get junk emails to find the "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the email and unsubscribe. It has really cut down on the volume of my emails. No more special offers I feel compelled to check out, no more missives from people I don't know, no more products that no longer apply to my situation. Just having less emails show up in my inbox is its own kind of relief. I'm convinced it's saving me time and bringing me greater peace. A lot of emails piled up in my inbox makes me anxious.
So that's my tip for you today-- start noticing those emails you get that you find yourself deleting without reading. Then take a moment to open them and unsubscribe so you don't even have to deal with them at all.
I know this isn't earth shattering but I'm of the mindset that every little bit helps. This would apply.
(It doesn't apply if you're thinking of unsubbing to the She Reads newsletter or this blog. Ahem.) 


  1. I am going to do that Marybeth!! I too have a lot of junk that I just delete every day!! What a time waster!!

  2. I took some time several months ago to do this... It is so nice! I was spending too much time deleting emails I never read. Great tip!

  3. Howdy, Marybeth! Always a pleasure to read what you write when it conveniently arrives in my Inbox. No, I do not want to unsubscribe to your posts. :) But I do want to cycle back "On" and once again take the time to unsubscribe from useless content. Thanks for junk mail reminder.

    I look forward to our phone call this Thursday at 10 AM. Will send you some questions soon. Hope you have a sweet visit with your old friend. And I assume since you're blogging, you accomplished your writing goals?

    God brought you to mind several times last week, so I sent ya prayers. May the Lord grant you great sleep! :)

  4. I do the same thing with the fax machine too. There is usually a number to unsubscribe. I love taking care of the mail when it comes in each day. Not as much any more but when our four kids were teenagers and older but still at home it was overwhelming. Now if I could only stop the AARP mail that comes now that my husband and I are both over 50.

  5. I couldn't agree more! I actually did that two weeks ago and it has made a huge difference. My goal is to keep my Inbox to only one page and make certain to file or delete anything that rolls over.


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