
Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Book Collector

I'm not sure when I realized that I'm a collector. Not of stamps. Or shoes. Or dishes. Or creepy dolls that stare at you from vacant, soulless eyes.
I'm a book collector. And I'm admitting here to my obsession fascination with books. And not the kinds that reside on your e-reader. I'm talking about print books, the kinds with weight and width that sit on your shelves like old friends, their covers beckoning to you.
The other day I spent some time upstairs in our office/bonus room/playroom/glorified storage area, visiting my old friends and making my summer reading list. It was great, geeky fun. I surveyed my collection with a mixture of love and appreciation. And I noticed a few things about my collection.

Mostly that it's filled with many, many books I fear I will never get to.

Books that are by that one author I keep hearing raves about, so I buy the whole collection so I will have them at my fingertips the very moment I have a moment.

All those foodie novels I simply must get to one of these days. Books I have collected along the way with every intention of reading. I love food and cooking. I love writing and reading. It would make sense that I have a weakness for foodie novels, right?

Those WWII novels I scooped up because it's my favorite time period and I have an idea that would involve a true WWII story from our family I'd love to write someday. But first I want to see how these folks did it. I always learn best by example.

Some new summer beach reads. These all look like books I want to fall into. Don't you?

Books that have been recommended to me by different people I respect. Or written by authors I respect. Books I have not read yet, but fully intend to.

Other new releases that are on my must-read list for this summer. I'm thankful I will be spending lots of captive time at the pool, with nothing else to entertain or distract me except for one of these lovely literary tomes. I will get to them all. I will. I must. And if not, there's always the fall. That's the thing about collectors-- we see the value in each piece, and we're always on the search for another item for our collection.


  1. I see lots of books that I have read or plan to read in your stacks. Just finished The Bungalow by Sarah Jio. I love her books as well as Kate Morton's. You must read While We Were Watching Downton Abbey by Wendy Wax. So fun....The Light Between Oceans is another recent read that I found very thought provoking!!

  2. This is such a fun post. I have the same types of stacks... And while I think my Kindle is great, especially when I have to travel, I do prefer hard copy books.

  3. Oh my darling, these could have been my stacks!! I am crazy about my books, and shoot, I have an ereader too!! So dangerous. I'm taking August to read no new ARC's or new books and whittle down my shelves. A bunch of us are..yep we're in a support group.
    Love this post...too many of us collect!

  4. I'm a book junkie-plain and simple. In fact, it's ridiculous. But books are my friends, and I love to read. I've read all of Kate Morton's books, and she is awesome. After I put down one of her titles, the story and characters stay with me for a long time. That's a sure-fire sign that she's a very effective writer in my book. I see many other books I've read, but lots I haven't. I'll have to check them out!
    Hope you and yours are having a great summer!
    Take care,

  5. Oh dear! More to add to my never-ending appears I'm in good company, though : )


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