
Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Recap

Here's how I spent my weekend:

Friday afternoon Curt and I got everything (and everyone) squared away on the homefront, jumped in the car and headed to Asheville, NC to see David Gray, who if you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you've probably heard me talk about. If he shows up anywhere within driving distance, we go if it's at all possible. I was SO glad when he announced a southern leg to this latest tour and was online at the exact moment the tickets went on sale. We snagged great seats and soaked in the music on Friday evening. I love going to a David Gray concert because I find other crazies like me who know all the words to all the songs and drive distances to see him live. The couples on either side of us had driven from SC and Raleigh NC to see him.

Saturday morning it was time to leave the gorgeous hotel we stayed in (pictured above, and lest you be impressed, know we stayed free thanks to my husband's points he'd stored up-- one of the only perks of having a husband who travels) and head home to reality. We stopped in a little town in Morganton NC for lunch at a wonderful off-the-beaten path cafe called Murray's for lunch and had a delicious salad (me) and sandwich (him) for lunch. Fortified, we drove the rest of the way home, stepped out of the car and into busyness as, crazy fool that I am, we had invited friends over for dinner that night. Thank goodness I didn't overestimate my own abilities and had only committed to spaghetti for dinner. I made the sauce and let it simmer all day so that all I had to do to eat was cook the pasta and make the (frozen) rolls when it was time to eat. My friend brought the salad and some marinated chicken for her and me since we're both trying not to do carbs. Dessert was Breyer's straight from the carton for the men and kids. Gourmet it was not but we were together, the kids had a fire to throw sticks in outside, and good conversation around the table went on for hours. Perhaps I wasn't such a fool after all.

Sunday we went to church, went to lunch, saw our kids' school principal at lunch and bought her whole table cookies, which embarrassed my kids to no end. But I think it's nice to bless people who work hard for us. At least, I hope it blessed her and her family. After lunch I took my 12yo daughter for some one-on-one time and we went to a friend's Thirty One party, where I bought her a case for her Kindle Fire. Then we went looking for some fall/winter dress shoes for her. We didn't find any shoes but did find her a jean jacket and me some gray boots, which I had on my "keep my eye out for" list. (The one pictured is not the actual boot but close enough.) After a stop at the grocery store to stock up for the week, we came home and I collapsed on the couch and queued up the latest Pioneer Woman show to watch with the kids, something that's becoming a tradition for us on Sunday evenings. After that I crawled into bed and read until my eyes closed, which wasn't long.

Most of our weekends aren't that busy, nor would I want them to be. But this one was fun and full. Next weekend I have a totally different weekend planned-- a beach writing retreat with a friend. I think I'll use it to recuperate!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! I am jealous that you went to a David Gray concert. :)


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