
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Hours

Well my kids are out of school, which means that my screen time will be compressed into much smaller windows. So this is my post indicating my "summer hours"-- a limited schedule reflecting my limited time. But I know most of you are in the same spot and will probably be spending less time online too.
So this summer I will be posting three times a week instead of five times. Some weeks it might be none. Some weeks it might be twice. The posts will be shorter, lighter, less meaty and more update-oriented.
I'm looking forward to a summer spent by the pool and catching up on a lot of reading. That, coupled with the launch of The Guest Book, and I'll be plenty busy. I know it's gonna fly by!


  1. i hear ya! Been crazy town around here - haven't had time to read my favorites much less post..hopefully things will settle soon!!! can't wait for The Guest Book - will i be able to get it for my beach trip?

  2. HI - i wanted to check out your new book, but the link you shared today goes to another book on Amazon.

  3. Thanks for the heads up Devona! I fixed the link now.


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