
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman

When I was given a copy of Not A Fan by the publisher, I gave it to my husband because I figured he might want to read it. It was written by a guy, after all, and I rarely like books written by men (sorry guys, but it's true).

But then a friend recommended Not A Fan in such a way that I felt compelled to give the book a second chance, so I dug it out from Curt's TBR pile. It seemed that this guy-- this pastor in KY-- felt the same way I did about the state of Christianity today. His book, from the sound of things, challenged the status quo, calling people away from stadium style churches where everyone's all "rah rah, yay Jesus" (fans) to simple, humble servanthood (followers)-- to really living like Jesus did without all the fanfare and calling attention to oneself. If that was true-- if my friend was right-- then this was a book I could get behind.

So I started reading a chapter each morning, then writing down what I was taking away from each chapter. On more than one occasion I was brought to tears. This book was an oasis in the desert. This book gave me hope that the entire church wasn't off its rocker. There are still people out there who get it, who aspire to something... more.

And so, this is a book I want to recommend to you. I know it's only March, but I think that this book will be my most influential read of 2012. I would urge you to read it. Get a copy and read a chapter each morning for your quiet time-- they're the perfect length. Let Kyle Idleman's words inspire and spur you. Write down your own responses so you can go back to them long after you read the last chapter. I hope it inspires you as much as it did me. I don't typically read Christian nonfiction, but I'm glad I didn't miss this one.


  1. When I looked it up on my library website - all they had was a DVD which it says it was based on the book....

  2. Sounds like one I would like...I am so tired of "entertainment" oriented worship, if you can call it worship. Will be on the look out for it. Like you, I am ususally not a fan of books written by men but there are a few that I like! One is Emily Alone by Steve Onan...could not believe a man wrote it!:) Also just finished a good book called Tout Sweet by Karen Wheeler. I liked it so much I ordered two other books by her, Tout Allure and Tout Soul. Karen left a fashion job in London to restore an old home in a French village. She writes so descriptively that I felt I was in her home in France!

  3. I agree the state of churches today is a bit daunting, and I think this is a book that would really help me recapture what it means to be a Christian and what exactly it is that I am meant to be doing with myself spiritually. I loved this quiet and really well delivered review and recommendation. I had never heard of this book before, but now I want to read it!

  4. Sounds like another book i need to look for. Thank you for your great endorsement!


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