This is the new series I mentioned last week. In an attempt to live more intentionally and mindfully of what's important, I thought I'd be transparent here and tell you how I'm living the things I say matter. Below you'll see some prompts that will stay the same, with me filling in my answers according to what we have going on at our house. I think this will be a nice consistent go-to post and hope you all enjoy a little glimpse into what's happening inside and outside our home from week to week.
Quote of the week...This will be something I've read or run across that has stuck with me.
Write Every Day... My promise to myself, I'll jot down any thoughts on what I'm dealing with in my efforts to write every day, M-F, at least 500 words per day. I'm hoping that this will be a habit that builds on itself and gets easier as the year progresses.
My One Word... My intention (ha! get it?) will be to write about how my word is cropping up in my life. This will help me stay on track as I seek to stick to my word for the year all year long.
Listening To... This will be what music I'm favoring currently.
Sharing Stories... This will be a spot to share the stories I'm loving, both in what I'm reading and what my kids are reading. If it's a story, it belongs here.
Randomness... This will be a spot for anything that doesn't fit anywhere else.
In The Kitchen... This will be menu plans, new recipes or skills I want to try out in the kitchen.
Plans... This will be about plans I'm making-- daily plans, vacation plans, writing plans, whatever schemes I'm coming up with and systems that are working to keep us all straight.
Loveliness... This is an effort to find loveliness-- just something simple and beautiful and worth noticing each week. By making a spot for it here, I'm more apt to train my brain to find it.
Photo of the Week... The photo may very well tie into the "loveliness" aspect. I'm thinking many times, it will. Or it may just be a captured moment from our family life. Something silly or noteworthy or just fun.
This will start next Monday, so I hope you'll come back. If you're like me and not apt to remember, there's a handy "subscribe" button in the sidebar so the post will come to you!
When I read the title of your post, I laughed. My word I chose a few weeks ago for 2014 is INTENTIONAL. Looking forward to reading all your WORDS this always! :)