Note: this will be a week of shorts-- little bite-sized posts that are evidence of the kind of week I'm having. There is something scheduled for every day, M-F. I both love and hate these kinds of weeks. Love because I'm getting out of my house and engaging with the world. Hate because my writing and to-do lists at home suffer. But, such is life. These weeks happen.
A Q&A to ponder:
Q: “Who am I, Lord, that you are mindful of me?” Psalm 8:4
A: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
To me this is the balance of life-- a proper perspective balanced with a proper attitude. Who am I? (the question that indicates extreme humility and proper priorities) Here am I. (the answer that indicates that, in spite of our limits, we are willing to go wherever we are called)
When both are present, the result is unstoppable.
Love this. It totally hit home. thanks for posting. Humility plus confidence. We need them both.