
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Two For Tuesday (A Fail and a Win)

This year I did one thing right when it came to my reading habit. I started keeping a reading log for the first time ever. This log turned out to be quite informative and fun-- I'd recommend it to anyone who reads a lot and desires to remember all that you've read. Through writing down the books I read I was able to 1) see how many books I read per month on average (5) and 2) remember what I read, and what I thought of each book. In years' past I couldn't tell you any of that info-- it was all a blur. As I flipped back through my log, I was like "Oh, I forgot I read that!" And I was able to see what I thought of the books, as I wrote my own personal review for each book after I read it. I don't intend to publish any of that info here-- it was just something I did for myself, for my own recordkeeping.

So that was my win.

What was my fail?

At the end of 2010 I made a TBR list (To Be Read) for 2011, which I will admit was a bit grandiose. I was dreaming big, clearly. One of the goals I most looked forward to was reading all of Anne Tyler's works over the course of 2011, starting with Dinner At The Homesick Restaurant.

I am confessing here, publicly, that I read NONE of Anne Tyler's novels. Not one. Nada.

Am I including her stuff on my TBR list for 2012? No. Not because I don't still want to read them, but because I want to leave room on my TBR list this year for those serendipitous books out there that I don't know I want to read yet. I want my list to have room to grow. Right now that list is at a doable 25 books (I read around 60 last year.) That gives me much room to grow and change-- because that's what a new year is all about, setting goals, while leaving room for an uncertain future full of growth and change, and the grace to do both.

Speaking of reading, remember you're invited to join me in going through Write It Down, Make It Happen... We'll discuss the first chapter on Thursday, January 12th.
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Zibilee said...

I bought myself a nice reading journal for Christmas, and can't wait for it to get here! I have trouble keeping track of what I've read too, so this will be very helpful to me. Plus, it's really cute!

Heather said...

What fun! I am on Goodreads, which is sort of like a reading journal.

Unknown said...

I use goodreads for keeping up with what I'm reading and want to read. My list of books to read is huge, and I move it around in order depending on new books, ARC's or whatever. I really want to read what I own, and also read new authors and others that friends rave about. There is rarely enough time....big surprise!!

Unknown said...

i love your idea, MaryBeth and hope to use Goodreads for this. Thanks.

Pam said...

Hmmm, a reading log. A great idea I'd like to try in 2012. Thanks for sharing about that. I'm going to give it a try : )

Arlene G said...

I have kept a book log for two years now and it is so helpful. I got the idea from ladies in my library book group...we get together once a month to discuss what we have my TBR list is rather long as the end of each year I make a top ten list of my favorite books and share on my blog. Hope you will share your favorite books with us as well.