
Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

I am taking a break today to enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend with my family and work on my edits for my upcoming novel. If you've stopped by today after reading today's devotion, thank you! You can learn more about this blog-- and me-- by clicking on the "About Me" tab at the top of this blog.

I will see you all back here on Monday when we'll turn our subject to... yes, it's time... Christmas! And if you want to be inspired between now and then, don't forget my Christmas ebook. It seriously is a collection of everything I've learned about Christmas in 18 years of being a mom. Check it out! In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving! Don't spend too much today!! :)

And if you want to check out my review of Tangled, the new Disney animated movie, see below!!
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Michelle said...

Beautiful devotion today! LOVED it and wish I could put it in a few peoples faces to read.

Unknown said...

I so enjoyed your devotional today. I write a small column for our church's monthly newsletter and had been thinking along the same lines... that the true colors of the leaves are there to be revealed, but I couldn't quite figure out how to put a Christian interpretation on it, and you did it, beautifully! Thank-you!

PCovi said...

I had to tell you that your devotional on the changing leaves was wonderful! So full of insight on something we have seen for so long and overlooked! I want to tell everybody!

And I want to see Tangled too, thanks for the review :)

Andrea said...

Thank you, Marybeth, for this wonderful analogy of leaves and their true colors - and how it pertains to our lives in being followers of Jesus!

You really put it well.

Chris said...

Thanks, Marybeth, I don't think I will ever look at our fall trees in the same way. Living in mid-south, we get to see the season changes, and just as beautiful as the fall colors are; the dogwoods in the spring when the rest of the trees haven't started to leaf yet, they remind us of the hope we have in Christ. The fall colors are disappearing but there's hope for the future. We can't see but it's there! Chris

BonBon said...

Awesome analogy of our life. As I go through some "dying" and really having to trust God in a new season, it helps me to see the hardship for what it really means!I have been a Christian for over 30 years, small visions like this in our mind help us to put things back into perspective....we need nudges and reminders that God is still working in our life. A learning process, that continues through our lives! Thanks for sharing this moved me!

Cindy said...

I am a sixth grade science teacher and will never again teach the plant unit and plant cells without thinking about your wonderful analogy. Another way to remember God is a part of my everyday! Thank you.

Marybeth Whalen said...

Thanks guys! I am so glad that you liked the devotion and that you stopped by to visit!

Anonymous said...

Marybeth, what beautiful symbolism you found in the lovely, dying fall leaves. Reading your devotion brought tears to my eyes, on a day when I "died" a little again in caring for my elderly father. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a great devotion. This has been a "year of growth" for me and yet in that growth has been pain. The leaves analogy was beautiful. So fitting for what changes God is allowing in my life and deeper yet, the garden of my heart. Keep writing! You truly have a gift... Blessings to you--

Zibilee said...

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and got a chance to spend some wonderful time with great family and friends!