
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

An Update

Sorry for the delay in posting. Things have been busy around here, as always, and I have not had much to say other than trivial tidbits that are of no interest to anyone. So that means the blog has been quiet.

But I did promise an update on my weekend in Illinois...

It was great! Melissa (who drove four hours to meet up with me so she could help, bless her) and I had a great time together hanging out-- laughing, swapping stories, etc. The event at Judson Memorial went so great! I was so pleased with the way things turned out. Since this was my first time giving this message (The Three Questions Jesus Asks Us), I was wondering how it would come across. I knew the content was powerful and I just wanted to do it justice and deliver it well. I am happy to report that it seemed to hit home and the ladies really were so sweet to me, making me feel welcomed and loved on. I love Judson Memorial and was so blessed to spend a second time with these special ladies! I feel like they are "my girls."

ETA! I just received a link to this sweet video Jodi (the conference director) made! Thanks Jodi! It looks great!

This week has been a week of checking off to-do lists and trying to carve out time to accomplish things that need to get done. We are heading into the homestretch with our schooling and the end of the year testing date looms closer with each passing day. With that in mind, we are being very diligent about getting our school done-- no excuses! That takes a big part of my day and limits my time on the computer or pursuing personal interests.

Last night I was feeling particularly overwhelmed, confessing to Curt that I often feel like there are too many balls in the air, plates spinning, irons in the fire, etc. That inevitably with the six children and their unique individual needs, something gets overlooked. Last night I let my 16 yo use my car to run an errand and totally forgot I needed the car for my evening Bible study, making me very late. I felt like such a ditz! And there was no one to blame but me!

This morning I read this verse:

Luke 12:48: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

I am in touch with that right now! I have been given much in the way of these people who need me... and so much more will be required of me. The trick is to keep relying on God to supply all my needs-- and forgiving myself when I fall short, as I most certainly will.
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Andrea said...

I hear you, Marybeth. I feel like this so often. It's wonderful to know I am not the only one!

heidi said...

That is an awesome verse and although my life has been busy, I've several friends going thru quite a bit and that verse spoke volume that I had to share it with them. Thanks for sharing it.

Anonymous said...

I thank you for all you do in Jesus name. I thank you for your joy in all circumstances. When you were reflecting about the blog I just had to comment and encourage you that it is ok to have a rest from it. God will use you when He wants you on-line.

Maria in CT

Melissa Milbourn said...

I'm ready to go again :-)

Terri said...

You are the second person this week who mentioned the "Hidden Arts of Homemaking" book. I am going to have to find a copy to read! I love reading Edith Schaeffer. How exciting that you will be getting input on your writing from someone you admire. Blessings!