
Monday, March 16, 2009

Traveling Mercies

Dear Girl Who Prayed For Us After Our Session (I am sorry I don't know your name),

Thank you so much for following God's lead and coming up to pray for our travels after our session at Hearts at Home. You said that you felt led to pray specifically for traveling mercies-- and yet you couldn't have known what awaited us as we flew the less than friendly skies yesterday. Suffice it to say we left our hotel room at 10am and returned home at 8pm.

But the truth is, it could have been much worse. Delayed planes, cancelled flights, and missed connections all resulted in some pretty desperate moments in the Atlanta airport as we were told that we couldn't make it home last night and would have to fly home in the morning. The kind Delta employee who tried to help us took pity on us and told us to go at least stand in line for the last available flight out for the evening. Though it was showing full, she said, she had high hopes we could make it.

When we got to the gate where that flight was, the hundreds of people milling around waiting for a chance to get on that same flight was daunting. We met another couple who were in the same boat and agreed to split a rental car if we had to to drive home. Imagine our surprise when the tv screen listing the standby list showed, miraculously, our names as first on the standby list! We went from hopeless and panicked to elated. We were going to make it out of there!! (Our new friends were second on the list-- what are the odds?)

It wasn't until we were on the plane flying back that Curt smiled and turned to me. "Remember what that girl came up and prayed for you about?" he asked. "She prayed for our travels... and we were first on the standby list with no explanation as to how we got that spot." I admit that I forgot all about what you had prayed as we stood there stressed out. Thank you for being obedient to what God prompted you to do. Because of your prayers, I am convinced, I am typing this blog post from the comfort of my home, instead of spending another night away from it.
Pin It!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!! God is so good!!! Hee, hee, be thankful that praying girl didn't ask God to give you patience for the trip home! Prayer really can cover everything! Many people are so fearful to ask God for little things like parking spaces, or lunch money, or even for their makeup to cover blemishes! I have adopted the philosophy that if I would talk about it with my best gal pal, I should certianly talk it over with God too. Thank goodness for women who aren't afraid to make others over with a good mesure of prayer!

Anonymous said...

I typed "mesure" instead of measure, but I guess prayer is talking to God until He makes ME SURE!!! LOL, who knew an object lesson can come from a typo!

DOakley said...

Thank you for sharing that Marybeth. I have heard many stories in the past few weeks (as our church deals with the finance issue) of people showing up with money to give in such strange amounts that it could only be God at work.

I'm glad you made it home safely. And thank you for reiterating how important it is to be in tune with God. You never know where or when He might be able to use us!

Anonymous said...

Please visit my site and pray for a family who just lost all 6 of their babies.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Was it a gal or an angel? Glad you're home safe!!!

Debra said...

Great story Marybeth. Our God is so Great, always covering every detail of our lives..Thank You Lord!

Kiddos9798 said...

Marybeth - I was one of the women blessed by your wisdom and knowledge at the HaH conference! I attended both the "Financially Savvy Kids" and Moving from "Financially Frantic to Financially Free". My a-ha moment was in regard to your approach to money -- it's an attitude(s) of the heart. This just continues to confirm all that Father is teaching me about His will and his desires for us. Thank you to both you and Curt for taking the time away from your family in order to share your life's lessons with us! Have a good week at HOME! :-)

Laurie Ann said...

God is so faithful to hear the prayers of His people! This was one that really needed to be prayed and I'm so glad He showed Himself in a mighty way.

Bonita said...

What a terrific testimony! I'm so glad that woman obeyed and prayed.

Oh Dear said...

Don't you love the Holy Spirit and those who are obedient to it!!

Anonymous said...

Marybeth I am so happy you all got home safe and sound and when you wanted/needed to be. Praise God! Thank you for the wonderful post of praise and thanksgiving. :o)
